December 12, 2016

10 Things Only Outdoor Adventurers Will Understand

By Carly Beall In Adventure, Journal, Travel 4 minutes

As someone who has always loved the great outdoors, I get a lot of funny looks and weird questions from people who just don’t understand that type of lifestyle. I have a lot of friends who are scared of the rain or the cold, or who would much rather spend their hard earned cash on a new purse or the newest iPhone than a hiking trip in Ontario’s backcountry. Luckily I’ve started to build up my tribe with more like-minded people, and I know there’s a lot of you out there who feel the same. So here are 10 things that only other outdoor adventurers will understand!

outdoor adventurers

Showers are optional

We don’t mind going days without showering or having to wear the same clothes. That’s how it is when you’re out in nature, you don’t have the comforts of home. You know you can only bring so much so you wear the same clothes until they’re worn right out! And when you are able to shower, forget the plumbing or the hot water, you’re likely just rinsing off in a cool lake or stream.

There’s no such thing as bad weather

Sure the weather can get nasty sometimes, but you don’t let that hold you back. You’d hate to miss out on an adventure simply because it wasn’t the most nicest day out. You know that bad weather isn’t really a problem, the only problem is being poorly dressed. So you make sure to bundle up tight and head outside! Besides, chances are you won’t have to deal with crowds of people and you’re likely to get some really unique photos.

No wifi, no phone service, no problem

Disconnecting from your gadgets is natural to you and you prefer to spend some time away from all the chatter of social media. You don’t need to know the latest gossip, you don’t have a fear of missing out, you know that quality time with yourself or your friends and family is important to your health and you’re more happy when you can turn off those devices and just be.

Packing light is a necessity

Whatever you pack, you have to carry, and you know how much of a struggle that can be. That’s why you’ve gotten proficient at packing and only bring the absolute necessities. You’ve learned to wear clothes for multiple days at a time, you’ve found items that have multiple purposes, and you know that makeup, hairdryers and straighteners have no business being in the great outdoors.

When nature calls…

You know there may not be a bathroom for miles, and even if there is it’s likely just going to be some stinky outhouse. And there’s no point in holding it, you know that’s only going to make you uncomfortable and make your trip less enjoyable. So you wander into the woods and pop a squat, you don’t care, if you’ve got to go, then you’ve got to go. That’s just life.

There’s no such thing as sleeping in

You want to get a jumpstart on your day, you don’t want any precious time to go to waste. Besides, those birds chirping act as a natural alarm clock. And that gorgeous sunrise goes perfectly with your morning coffee!

You rather a bonfire than a fancy dinner

Dressing up fancy and shelling out your entire paycheck for one meal just doesn’t seem that appealing to you. You much rather pack a picnic and eat outside or cuddle next to a crackling bonfire while gazing at the stars and listening to the sounds of the night.

There’s no such thing as the “10 second rule”

A little dirt never hurt anyone. Besides, you probably ate a lot of it as a kid anyways! If you drop your food you won’t let it go to waste, after all you only packed what you needed and you need all the energy you can get to fuel your awesome adventures!

You avoid shopping malls

Hiking a mountain, surfing at the beach, abseiling a waterfall – these all seem like way better uses of your time then walking around a crowded mall. Besides, you rather spend your money on cool activities or outdoor gear than a pair of designer heels.

You dream of converting a van so you can live on the road

An office job, the 9-5, no thank you! You crave the outdoors and you want to spend all your time taking in nature’s beauty. Your head is constantly in the clouds thinking about how you can make this happen. Your mind is filled with dreams of buying the perfect little VW camper van, converting it into your own tiny home, and hitting the road, going where ever your heart desires!

So there you have it, 10 things your fellow outdoors-men (women) also understand. So the next time your friends think you’re crazy for going on another adventure, just know that you’re not alone! There’s a whole community of outdoor enthusiasts out there who are just as crazy as you!


Have you encountered any other ‘outdoor’ experiences that your friends or family don’t always understand? I’d love to hear about them!


10 Things Only Outdoor Adventurers Will Understand

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